HP – Virtual

Due to the COVID-19 situation Heckington Players have gone virtual. Here you can find productions we have recorded for radio and for our online audiences in the absence of live productions. 

Stay tuned for more…

Past Radio Recordings...

Here you can recap any performances missed that were broadcasted on radio or online. 

Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Chalky Outline

Heckington Players present’s: Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Chalky Outline, written, directed and edited by Laura Griffen, our first adventure with Sherlock Holmes begins. Guaranteed to have to laughing out loud, you really don’t wan’t to miss this radio play. 

Part 1
Part 2

What Creeps Beneath the Deep, performed by Heckington Players and written by the Yellow Belly Writing Group.

Heckington Players present’s: What Creeps Beneath the Deep, performed by Heckington Players and written by the Yellow Belly Writing group in association with the Lincolnshire Move Project. The play was directed by Kei Bailey and recorded and edited by Colette Buchanan-Gray. All 4 parts of the play are available below. 

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

The Curse of the Mummy's Mummy for Radio by Heckington Players

Heckington Players present’s their third radio production, This time, a cast from Heckington Players went off on an adventure to find the Curse of the Mummy’s Mummy written by Kei Bailey. Will our adventurers find the curse, will they make it out alive, only one way to find out… 

Part 1
Part 2

The Importance of Being Earnest for Radio by Heckington Players

Heckington Players present’s their second radio production, This time, a cast from Heckington Players tackled The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, a true classic directed by Laura Griffin and Callum Thomas, recorded by Callum Thursby and edited by Laura Griffin.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Samantha Strewth Super Sleuth - Youth Theatre Production

Heckington Players Youth Theatre present’s their first radio production, Samantha Strewth Super Sleuth written by Kei Bailey and Directed by the Youth Theatre team. Join our amazing kids with some adult cameos as they bring a tale of myserty to life. The broadcast was split into 3 shows, listen to all 3 here…

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Mother Goose - Easter Pantomime

Mother Goose was recorded as an Easter Pantomime for Radio, it was written by Kei Bailey, Directed by Kei Bailey and Jo Warrick and was technically produced by Callum Thursby. The Pantomime was split into 2 parts, you can listen to them both here… 

Part 1
Part 2

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