One way to support Heckington Players is to become a member or patron. There are many benefits to being either a member or patron and at the same time you’re supporting a fantastic drama group.
Members and Honorary Members
In order to be involved with Heckington Players both on and off stage, you need to become a member. The main reason is that it covers for insurance purposes but there on many other benefits as well, including…
- Members can book tickets for performances one week before they go on sale to the general public.
- Members can take part in all the society’s social activities, some of which are members only which include: Christmas and after show parties and dinners and also theatre trips, often with free or subsidised transport.
- Not least, the pleasure of being part of a friendly group of people and the enjoyment of putting on good shows including the famous annual Heckington Pantomime. There are lots of roles to choose from, acting, backstage and front of house.
To find out more please see our membership letter by downloading it below.
Honorary Members
This is awarded to long or exceptional service to the society. They get all the benefits of a normal membership but, they don’t pay any fees for membership and they get two free tickets for each production.
Becoming a patron means you can support the society without giving up too much of your time. Many of our patrons don’t take up active roles in productions but do enjoy coming to see what we get up to. Again there are many benefits to becoming a patron…
- Patrons can book tickets one week before they go on sale to the general public.
- Patrons can have a free program for each production.
- Patrons can take part in the society’s social activities, including meals and trips.
- Patrons are also kept up to date with our social activities.
So, what will it cost me?
For membership, we ask each member to pay £20 per year in order to help the society put on productions throughout the year. This is generally taken at the time of our AGM, or when joining the group if later in the year.
For patrons, we ask for £15 per year and is taken at the AGM or later in the year.
How do I find out more?
If you’re interested in joining or want to find out more then please email our Patrons &Membership Secretary at or via the contact form on this website and select the Membership option.
To find out more please also see our membership letter by downloading it below.